1.What would you do if you weren't talking to your friend and something bad happened to her. Would you...
A.talk to her and say you are sorry.
B.would you laugh at her.
C.just ignore her.
B.would you laugh at her.
C.just ignore her.
2. Your best friend likes your new jeans. She asks you where you bought them. Do you...
A. tell her where you bought them.
B. tell her she's a copy cat.
C. lie and say you don't remember.
3. You like a boy but he likes your best friend. Do you...
A. get your best friend and the boy together.
B. say bad thingsto him about your friend.
C.stop talking to your best friend and the boy.
4. Your best friend is a terrible cook. She invites you over for dinner. Do you...
A.go and help her .
B. say you have plans.
C.eat before you go. 5. Your friend is having a party but someone you don't like is going. Would you...
A. go and stay no matter what.
C. not go at all.
Mostly A's Mostly b's Mostly c's
best bad normal
friend friend friend